Thursday, 31 January 2008

America the Beautiful part III, CA. Part I

Landing in CA. on Dec. 31st was such a relief. The planeride was uneventful, but we were still glad to get there.
The weather was wonderful! Warm and sunny, so we decided to hit the beach! We drove down to Balboa and take the ferry to Balboa Island where we walked the pier and put our names in at the Ruby's Diner which is a 40's diner (not like a typical NJ diner at all!). They have the best burgers around (my personal opionion of course=>)
It was so great to feel the sand and watch our kids go nuts. They have been deprived of the coastal enjoyments for quite a while so it was such a treat for them.

Ahh the beach at last! My little sunshine Girl!

Jordan and Poppa bonding.

It was Jordan's first time, not that he even cared, but it was fun. A good first day I must say.
My parent's really enjoyed the interaction with the kids and it was so wonderful to see them with Jordan. It really was a great first day.

Chad, Sarah, Tiff and Joey out for Dad and Chad.
the night!

The next couple of days were full of spending time with my parents, brother Chad, wife Sarah and my neices, Hope, 6 and Naomi, 2 (in Feb.). It was so good to be together and watch the kids play and giggle. Maddie and Hope play so well together.
Hope loooooves horses so they imagine themselves as horses and prace around together including Josiah. Naomi in an independant explorer and Jordan is just discovering the world around him, so they were in their own worlds.

We have been blessed with the opportunity every Jan. since leaving CA. to go to Disneyland as a family. This is a highlight of our trip most of the time, and this time was no exception.
We went on the new Nemo ride, went on It's A Small World, Bugs life, the ropes course, had ice cream, watched the High School musical show,...the list goes on.
Grammies bought the kids hats and a toy for Josiah. They were spoiled, but had a wonderful time. Chad and Sarah met up with us in the middle of the day and we hung out for the afternoon. It was good.

We got a shot with Mickey!

Maddie and Hope in their new hats!

Another tradition is to drive to Los Angeles and have lunch at the American Girl store where the girls can indulge their girly fantasies. Hair salon, a doll hospial, tea time, theater and of course loads of outfits to wear for every occassion. They had such a lovely time with their auntie's and Grammies. Thanks again mom!

Maddie and Emmalyn.

Maddie, Hope and Grammie Pammie.

We spent one evening with good friend of ours, Katie and Craig, Erin and Andrew and their parents. They are such a blessing and pray for our ministry all the time. We had a wonderful time of fellowship with them. Thank you again for dinner Kate!

This was such good family time and ministry time, but there was of course the main reason why we even came out in Jan. It was to attend the Missions Conference, hosted by CCCosta Mesa. We spent half of our second week in CA. in the city of Murrieta and enjoyed messages by Godly men and met so many wonderful missionaries as well as those who are praying about going out and those who just support. I will talk about that in my next blog.
It is sure alot of work trying to keep up with all this goings on. =)

In the mean time...God is doing amazing things here.
The Friday night study is growing and is such a blessing in our weekly life.
The Tues night pray time was so refreshing and liberating. Julie came out for it and she seemed to be refreshed as well. Its a wonderful feeling to know that you have done business with God on behalf of yourself and others around you.
Homeschooling went well this week, thanks be to God!
My kids are healthy for now!
My frigerator is full and our home is warm!
I was able to encourage another pastor's wife today and pray with her.
My marriage is awesome.

Last week I had spent a coulple of days on my spiritual reserves, not taking a moment to just rest with my Lord waiting for Him to speak to me. Until the moment I finally did and WOW!
Just like that my soul was nourshed. It felt like dehydration during a good workout or soccer game and as you take a good swig of water or suck down an orange slice, you feel the sudden revival of your senses and energy. I felt so pumped! The Lord spoke to my heart right away. HE was just waiting there with some wonderful nuggets just for that moment. The fresh manna of the day and I had missed it for 2 days I think. Not good.
So thank you Lord for reminding me that I am not sufficient on my own. I need to be saturated by Your word of Life. May I desire them more than the physical wants in my life or needs. You sustain me. I love You, Lord.
May you all be blessed and remember...He wants aaalll of you not just bits of you. Take time for Him.
There were so many other moments that I could share, but this will have to be enough for now.
Thank you Lord for all that you do and bless us with!

Sunday, 27 January 2008

America the Beautiful part II, NC

On Christmas Eve. Joey, the kids and I, hopped into our rented SUV and drove 8 hours down south to N. Carolina to spend Christmas with Joey's side of the family.

Our first stop was Mom and Dad Rozek's where we feasted on a delicious meal and spent time with Grandma Connie, Joey's grandma who was visiting from Fla. and the rest of the gang.

Mom is the hostess with the mostest! She always make everyone feel very welcome and well fed! I love watching her interact with the kids and still manage to serve the food and clean up. She truly is an amazing woman. Dad seemed relaxed as he watched the grandkids run around their new place. It was a great sight! After several hours we left ther and headed over to Joey's sister Kim's place.

Kim and Steve have 3 kids. Noah is 8 going on 13, Karenna is 6, Luke is 4.

-Noah can't wait to play sports and chess with uncle Joey. He enjoys adult conversation and engaging in adult games. He is such an intelligent young man.
He asked for a WII(WEE) for Christmas and received one which resulted in 2 days of no shower or change of pj's (I think he peeled his pj's off at the end of the 2nd day)=>. That one kept us laughing for a while!

-Karenna and Maddie play as many girlie things as they can get their hands on,

-The two mischief makers, Luke and Josiah are just waiting for the next silly thing they can do just to get a laugh.

The cousin's played so well together and even slept well in the same rooms! That was truly amazing! We laughed so much watching Josiah and Luke discover the art of being twin boys. It was so fun. We know we've crossed into a new season with our kids, because they were able to play and sleep so well together. WOW! Time really does fly!

The Willson's have a tradition every year where they read an advent book and light candles every night until Christmas Eve. We have been blessed to be apart of the final lighting the last two years. It is wonderful to have such special traditions.

Afterwards Auntie Kim allowed the kids to open one present before they went to bed on Christmas Eve. which was as you can see...Christmas jammies! Go Aunt Kim!!

Speaking of Kim...we have such an amazing relationship. We have become prayer buddies, confidants, laughing buddies, silly story buddies, homeschooling crazies, but most of all sister's in life and death. I praise the Lord for the sister I have found in her and I appreciate the wisdom that pours out of her mouth. It blesses me all the time. From the day Joey and I met she has done nothing but accept me and treat me as her friend. It has been a wonderful journey together so far and I am looking forward to the years ahead as we both grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Of course Jordan was scooped up and enjoyed to the fullest by everyone. Noah had a blast watching Jordan explore. I believe he asked mom if they could have another baby. I don't think they disagreed! Noah is loving the game of American football so he thought it would be great to take a shot of Jordan with the football. What do you think? It looks good in his hands doesn't it? If daddy has anything to do with it he will love the game as well as baseball!

Well to end a wonderful stay and many nights of "chicken foot", we went out for dinner with the adults and then headed out to the movies. It was such a good time had by all and we pray we get to do it again soon.

Part III, Dec.31st, ON TO CALI!!!

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

America the Beautiful part I, NJ.

Nic and Mads. Maddie, Lloyd and Josiah.

Joel, Tim, Joey and Jordan. Me and Victoria.

Patty, me and Tammy. Many of the kids we ministered to.
Jon Mac and Mike praisin Jesus. Celebrating Katrina's bithday.

We started out on our journey west on Dec. 17th, 2007 we landed in New Jersey where we stayed with the Ducane family who are basically family to us in every way, and ventured around the area seeing friends and visiting our sending church, CCOB. It was so wonderful being with everyone again. We were able to pick up as if we had never left. What a blessing!
It was so good to share with our family here in NJ all that God has been doing in our hearts since leaving America. Its hard to articulate in words the internal changes that He has done, so it was quite the learning experience for us as well. Needless to say, it became an evolving process as the Lord gave us what to share. We pray it blessed those who heard as we were blessed to share and learn all that God is doing in Calvary Chapel there in Old Bridge.

I was able to catch up a bit with a few of the girls I used to minister to in the high school group at CCOB and I am filled with joy as I think upon each one. Most are walking with the Lord and pursuing His will. I love you girls!
I feel like the highlight for me in NJ was just relaxing with my girlfriends over a cup of tea and casually moving in and out of conversations as if life had never changed. It brought tears to my eyes realizing how blessed my life was and is. God places people in our lives for diffent reasons and for different seasons. Some are forever friends and some are just there to help you along on your way through life with the Lord. Either way, all are used to refine and challenge your growth.

I have been blessed with some of the most wonderful friends in the world...of course some might argue, but that's okay. The distance doesn't hinder our growth together, but is used to draw us closer as we pray and seek Him over the phone or over the internet. I am blessed to know that nothing will ever change in the sense of unfamiliar grounds. The familiar will always be there whenever or wherever we are together in His name.

I know that Jesus uses them in my life to show me glimpses of Him and how much He loves me. What a fantastic gift it is. I pray that I am able to bless them in the same way. (just to clarify...this means friends all over);>

Joey was blessed to share at CCOB the Wed. before we took off. The Lord gave him a wonderful word of encouragement for the church and the response was humbling. We thank the Lord for using these vessels to pour out to the church. What an amazing church we are blessed to be supported by.
There were many tears and laughs, tales told and thoughts given, many questions and some answers, but most of all...great fellowship all around.
Stay tuned for part II of our trip...

Kristen, Shannon, Liz and me. Me and Christine Loures.

Me and Michelle. Joel and Joey.

Maddie, Micheala, Chloe. Mike and Chrissy Ducane.

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