My mom and dad are two of the most amazing people in my life. As their daughter I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly. I have watched them deal with two wayward children with strong wills, many job lay offs, recessions, church splits and countless other disappointments or opportunities for the Lord to stretch and grow them up.
My mom has always been a prayer warrior who asked Chad and I every morning if we had, "put out armour on, and have you read your Word today?"
She knew that the enemy was out for blood. Especially kids that loved God.
We got so used to hearing those two questions that we grew numb and began to say "yes" just to get out the door in the morning. Wow how stupid and clueless were we?

She never stopped praying for us though. That was the one thing I could always count on her for...her prayers for me. Even when I was angry and bitter she still loved me and prayed for me. I want to be that kind of mom. To love my kids to the cross.

She told me one time that she would pray that God would do whatever He had to do to save my brother and me. She didn't care what it took just so we wouldn't go to hell. I understand that desperation now that I have kids of my own.
I am currently reading a book called Shepherding a Child's Heart, by Tedd Tripp. The first four chapters have been really good. The premise is to alert parent's to the understanding that to deal with wrong behaviour is to deal with the heart . God wants our heart's and since we are to discipline our kids to love the Lord and to serve Him then we must direct them to the source of love, Jesus. We discipline and teach our kids to obey not because we need to be respected, but because God needs to be obeyed and respected.
Anyways...I have been touched. Joey and I are teaching our kids these things, but it was so good to put it in my face the way this book has. It is encouraging and stirring me up to be a better parent.
I want to love more passionate and completely. I want to do away with my frustration with my kids and relax more. I want them to understand the fear of the Lord and realize how precious the gift of Jesus is. I want them to possess their salvation for their own and not ride on the coattails of their parent's. I don't want them to ever despise the blessing they have of growing up as "PK" missionary kids. I pray they grab the opportunities they will have to pour into people and love them as Christ loves us.
Please Lord, help me to surrender my short comings over to you. Be all that I need to raise these three for You. May I find my hiding place in You when my heart is overwhelmed. Give me the grace to understand their minds and hearts, may I take the time to know their strengths and weaknesses. There is nothing impossible with You, so I ask now that You would keep them in perfect peace as they keep their minds fixed on You and keep them from a rebellious heart.
May they see my mistakes as stepping stones for growth and not as excuses for adventuring from the Truth. May they desire to emulate the Christ in me and not the flesh about me.
Thank You Lord for being a keeping God. I love you with my life. Amen.