Saturday, 9 February 2008

Laugh for the week part II: Josiah gets a hair cut.

We had Bible study last night.
My kids were the only children I had to watch, so
I carried on and taught the lesson I had
As we read through the story of Jesus and Nicodemus
I notice that Josiah has a bald spot on the top of his head.
I kept thinking that it was just bed head or something,
but noooo it was a bald spot!! But wait...not just one, but two
bald spots and a side burn cut off as well!!

I had to hold back the giggle and mental image
of my mom scolding my brother for playing "barber"
with my head of hair as I stared down Maddie in
disbelief that she would do something so irresponsible.

This is the dialouge...
"Josiah, what happened to your hair?"

Josiah responds,
"Maddie took your razor thing and cut it.
"I told her not to but she didn't whisten(listen)"

I ask, (with a slight smirk on my face),
"Oh, so you just sat there and let her cut into your hair, almost
cutting you, after you told her not too?"
"It sounds like you wanted her too."

"Weeelll, I told her not too."

So I turn my gaze upon Maddie,
She is standing sheepishly with her head lowered.
Of course my heart was a bowl of mush, but I still
had to let her know that she is not a hairdresser and
should never do that again.
So I say,
"What were you thinking? You know better!
Now he has funny looking hair."

"I know. I'm sorry. But he cut mine too! Only a little."

You must promise to never do that again okay?

"Okay mommy. Please don't be mad at me. I'm sorry."

Of course I forgave her and then proceeded to tell her about my barber
experience with uncle Chaddy. He took scissors to my bangs and cut
them into a mountain range! And then took off a huge chunk of my long
locks! Needless to say, my mom flipped out on him. She wasn't as gracious
due to the long hair thing and it being the front of my hair and all. I would've
been a bit more miffed had she done the front of his hair.
So we will wait for it to grow back and thank the Lord that she didn't cut his
scalp because she came awfully close!!!
Gotta laugh!!

1 comment:

Sarah Markley said...

I can just hear his little voice (whisten...). So funny and I am glad you laughed! I love it. I miss you. Every nose in my house is runny but no fevers!