Jordan is now 4 months old. He is a delight and so easy going.
He meshes into our family very well.
He is intrigued by most things around him and is
loving being able to move a bit.
When he is on his tummy he lifts his head very
well and inches forward like a caterpillar.
This last bit makes me a bit nervous for I am in no
hurry to see him mobile.
I find him twisted around in his crib most of the time
often find him turned over on his back when
I have placed him on his tummy.
He delights in his siblings especially Maddie. When she enters into a room and
happens to spot her he grins large enough to brighten any ones day.
He is drooling like a mad man and sucks on his hands like hes trying to get something out of them. He is grabbing onto things and not letting go due to having no idea how. And he is beginning to notice our food when we are at the table together for meals.

He giggles when you fly him through the air and enjoys a good tickle.
He goes to sleep like a champ and wakes up happy unless he has gas or a burp
waiting to come out.
He is so precious and I am so blessed that God gave us Jordan.
I love you sunshine.
Hes so cute and I can't wait to see him!
He is happy to hear he's sleeping well and fiting in to the family so great!
Hey Tiffany-
Its Stephanie Shurance. Congrats! On your new little guy!!! He is so handsome and looks like his daddy- Glad to see you are all doing well. If you ever get a chance, I would love to hear from you. or
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