Monday 17 September 2007

Josiah's special day.

Josiah blowing out his candle.
from grammies and poppa.
What a wonderful day we had on September 12th!
Joey and I decided against a home birthday party and called the Brown's(other missionaries out here) to come join us at an amusement park by the coast.
As you can see in the picture that we allowed Josiah to enjoy a cupcake for breakfast.
It was fun to do this. He wanted his bowl of cereal afterwards though so that made me feel better about the sugar intake that early in the day. :)
The weather was expected to be nice (at least it said so, but that doesn't mean much here) so we packed lunches and headed out for the day.

Of course all the way there we heard from Jo Jo, "Are we there yet?" non-stop until we drove through the entrance. School was in session so there was nobody there which was wonderful!

We walked on every ride and enjoyed the fellowship. The sun was shining and the breeze was beautiful. The Lord really blessed the day.

At lunch time we all sat around the lunch tables and ate our lunches and then feasted on somemore yummy chocolate cupcakes.
There was much to do, but Josiah really wanted to go on the choo-choo train which took you around the park. So the Rozek's and the Brown's hopped on and took a ride.
If you don't know the Brown's they have five kids of their own so we took up the entire kiddie train. It was great.
After we left the park around 5ish we headed for Pizza Hut and indulged in some good times.
Over all the day was a success and we left tired, but blessed.
Thank you Lord for such a good day!


Sarah Markley said...

So amazing and I wish we could have been there. I've been thinking more and more about our trip. 2 months from today we will be with y'all!

tiffsblog said...
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Kathleen said...

Sounds like it was an awesome day! How's the babe?