The shot above is of us on the Christmas Train.
We have thoroughly enjoyed our Christmas together as a family. We made it to an estate near by where they run a train during the holidays for the kids. There is a Santa near the middle of the ride who hands out teddy bears to all the kids. It was fun and delightful for the kiddos!
The picture below: Jordan was sooo happy after his 4th cookie of the day! Thanks mom for not looking!!
We held a Christmas outreach in our
local community hosted
by Calvary Chapel Cambridge.
It was such a delight for all who came.
Everyone helped and contributed in some way.
Hearts were touchand all
enjoyed the food and fellowship.
God was glorified in every way.
The week before Christmas we took Maddie and Josiah into the city to see Beauty and the Beast as a surprise along with Georgina, the daughter of some good friends of ours. The kids were so surprised and excited. Jordan was just a bit too young and would've cried through the show so we left him with a friend of ours.
Beauty and the Beast with their
friend Georgina.
The picture below right: The four of us
in front of the Cambridge Christmas tree.
Nothing like NYC! But it will have to do!
Christmas Eve was spent with friends from the fellowship and watching It's a Wonderful Life.
Being reminded of the gift we have in our Savior and in the life He gave us is so important. May we never forget this and live life for the glory of the Lord!
Our Christmas day was spent here at the house with just us! It was a first for us and we really enjoyed it! The kids played with their new toys and loved having all of our attention to themselves. We are truly enjoying family and the joy of the Lord!
We are looking forward to all that the Lord has in store for us in the New Year. We have grown so much in the last two years here in England we can't imagine what else He has for us! WOW, what an adventure! Thank you Lord! We pray this finds you just as blessed and enjoying your family members, those in Christ and by birth. Love you all!
ohhh, i wish i was there with you, sister.
It looks like you had a sweet Christmas. I was listening to KWVE and a pastor was talking about the evidence he personally sees of the end times not quite happening yet, because just at the Calvary Chapel level the ministry is growing like crazy. He specifically talked about the growth in England...I thought about you :)
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