Have you ever had the privilege of holding a newborn when they are calm and content? It is magical. They seem to be floating as their limbs slowly move around. Their sweet noises are not as frequent at this stage so their quiet is so peaceful. I often wonder what they are thinking about in this magical moment as they observe their surroundings. It causes you to take a moment and inhale deeply and then release it ever so slowly, allowing the frustrations of the day to take a back seat for the time being. If you have ever experienced this moment then you know what I'm talking about.
The stillness only lasts for the first 3 months, maybe part of the 4th. But it is wonderful.
I stare at my little Jordan who is just about to turn 3 months and I cherish these quiet moments. They bring me to a place of rest and peace in my heart and mind, allowing me to focus on my life and my King.
He is always wanting us to be at a place of rest with our lives and the plans that He has set in motion for us. I am blessed to know the plans He has for me and that there is no want in my life.
I home school my girl of 6 and watch her eyes light up when she begins to understand something for the first time.
I assemble a train track with my boy of 4 and see the amazing details that he puts into making it turn out perfect.
And right now I steal moments with my boy of 3 months where I place my nose to his warm soft cheek and whisper how much I love him and hear him sigh with contentment.
This is the plan for me right now beyond the redemption plan. As I pour into these little ones who are being raised as little soldiers for Christ, I find myself at a place of rest again, that still moment where all is right with my world.
Every moment is special and brings rest to my soul. My God is so pleased when we are in this place of rest. It is the hardest place for a person to be, that is why you will find so many verses in the Word that speak about resting, casting your cares on Him and being anxious for nothing.
He took all of our worries to the cross and said "it is finished" and yet resting is still the hardest thing for us to do even with our new nature in Christ.
The constant daily battle of surrender is always before us. The "Let go and Let God" mentality that we are told to have most of our Christian lives, but spend the majority of it ignoring this nice saying, is so difficult to master. We have the choice now by the power of the Holy Spirit to cast our cares upon Him and never take them back. Isn't that a wonderful thing?
That's the magical moment that I enjoy with my King. When I am at complete rest and peace with Him and He is whispering "Tiff, I love you. There is no need to worry. I did it all for you."
Beautiful isn't it?

So today take advantage of that complete rest in Him. The moment when all is still and the world fades. He desires to have constant communion with us in this fashion.
Enter into His rest and be still.
"Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
Matt. 11:28
"Be still, and know that I am God..."
Ps. 46:10
1 comment:
Tiff, I love it! Thank you for reminding me of the important things, stillness and resting. Its hard to catch a still moment sometimes. Love you.
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